Local Government Commission
of the
Pennsylvania General Assembly
Local Government Commission Publications
Full Listing of Publications
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- A Report Issued Pursuant to House Resolution 509 of 2005--Feasibility of a regionalized collection system for the imposed earned income tax levied by the Commonwealth's school districts and municipalities, August 2006
- Analysis of Revisions to the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Second Edition, March 1993
- Cable Television in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Analysis and Recommendations, November 1979
- Drawing Lines: Variance in Municipal Boundary Maps
- First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Glendale v. County of Los Angeles, California and Nollan v. California Coastal Commission, October 1987
- Hearing on Municipal Liability Insurance, September 24 1985
- House Resolution 126 of 1989--A Review of Fees Collected by County Row Offices, February 1990
- House Resolution 354 of 1992--A Review of Compensation and Hiring Practices, Contracting Procedures, and Ratemaking of Large Municipal Sewer, Water, and Solid Waste Authorities, June 1993
- Identifying Success Indicators Among Pennsylvania Municipal PILOT Agreements, May 2020
- Impact Rees and Tapping Fees, January 1991
- Local Government Unit Debt Act, 1972
- MPC Recodification and Amendments 1988-2005 - 2017 Supplement
- MPC Recodification and Amendments 1988-2005 - Rev 2012
- Municipal Fiscal Distress, January 1987
- Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, April 1988
- Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, December 1985
- Real Estate Assessment Task Force Final Report, October 1988
- Real Estate Tax Sale Law--Task Force Report, September 1984
- Report of the House Resolution 167 Task Force--Recommendations on Improving Local Policing, September 1999
- Report to the Pennsylvania General Assembly on the Local Government Commission, November 2004
- Report to the Pennsylvania General Assembly on the Local Government Commission, July 2009
- Senate Bill 669, Printer's Number 1970--Act 50 of 1998, May 1998
- Senate Resolution 323 of 2010 Report--Study of Statutory Mandates Placed on Counties and Municipalities, October 9, 2012
- Senate Resolution Number 25 of 1975--Review of the Municipal Police Education and Training Law, October 1976
- The Pennsylvania Real Estate Tax Sale Law, January 2001
- Understanding Local Tax Reform--An Explanation of Act 145 of 1988, the Local Tax Reform Act, January 1989
- User's Manual to the Pennsylvania State Mandate Project, July 1982
- Working Paper--Analysis and Classifications of Law Enforcement Officers in Pennsylvania, August 1979
- Working Paper--Municipal Tort Law in Pennsylvania, June 1977
- Working Paper--Tax-Exempt Real Property in Pennsylvania, Second Edition, October 1987