Local Government Commission
Pennsylvania General Assembly
Third Class City Code Recodification & Incorporation into Title 11 of Pa.C.S.
After a multiyear effort with the Pennsylvania Municipal League (PML) through a working group including Commission staff, other legislative staff members, city officials, and a city solicitor, the Local Government Commission introduced a modernized Third Class City Code as Senate Bill 497 in 2013. The bill was signed into law by Governor Corbett as Act 22 of 2014, and was effective May 18, 2014. In order to aid Members of the General Assembly and legislative staff in reading this comprehensive legislation, Commission staff prepared an Executive Summary as well as a Commentary. The Executive Summary highlighted the major changes by Article while the Commentary provided a more in-depth review by section. Disposition and derivation tables were provided to assist in tracking the creation or relocation of each individual section.
Subsequent to the passage of Act 22, the Commission worked with the Legislative Reference Bureau to consolidate the Third Class City Code into Title 11 (Cities) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in a process similar to that used for the consolidation of the Borough Code into Title 8. The bill, Senate Bill 775 of 2015, Printer's number 834, became Act 67 of 2015, effective January 25, 2016. Aside from seven minor amendments, the consolidation of the Code, although stylistically modified, is a continuation of Act 22.
The Third Class City Code:
Act 67 of 2015/Title 11 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes.